Shabby Miss Jenn

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Axton has become very attatched to his momma. Which makes me feel so special BUT its very hard on me as well. At first we had his days and nights correct but now it like every minute he wants to be in my arms reguardless of whether Im paying attention to him or not. So when ever I try to put him on his wedge to sleep he throughs a fit and squirms and screams and cries actual tears. I know Im spose to let him cry and sooth himself, but some times it doesnt work even after about 10 or 15 minutes! So with the lights still off I go over and try to pat him and talk soothingly to him but that seems to make it worse. Only when I actually pick him up and have him in my arms is he content. I need help or suggestions. Because I dont know since he is still so little if I should hold him or if he is going to get use to being rescues after the slightest cry?! HELP anything little comment will help.


Emily Suzanne said...

don't worry about holding him too much at this age. You can worry about that later. But if you're exhausted, make sure and make time for sleep during the day when he's asleep. don't worry about cleaning or anything!

Aaron Thorne said...

our pedi told us we couldn't spoil him before 6 mos hold him all we want...but we do have that fear of holding him too much.

Aaron Thorne said...

picking him and holding him when he cries right now is also teaching him how to communicate with you and teaching him that you are going to be there for him when he needs you. I still can't let jack cry for just breaks my heart!-- Kerre