Shabby Miss Jenn

Sunday, January 18, 2009


These are some eating pictures.....some times we can get pretty messy

So weve have taken some cute pictures of Axton that I would love to share with you....Other than that Chris and I have been working out and let me tell you I am so sore! But I am so excited to get my pre-mommy body back! OH!!! Axton got another tooth...on the 11th. Its right next to his other one. Chris and I should be sleeping right thats all for now :)
Doesnt he look so handsome just like his daddy

Hes pracaticing his flirting skills

1 comment:

gb said...

He is so cute! What a messy eater, how fun! What all foods has he tried? Mine loves zuccini squash alot! How many teeth does he have now? We are still just at two and have been for two months. Well, anyways very cute pictures!