Shabby Miss Jenn

Friday, February 27, 2009

New New New

Yesterday I put Axton in his bed to play while I picked up around the house. Well I go in to check on him and he is doing this.....
I dont know if you know but thats him STANDING UP in his bed! Who taught you this son?! He's getting so big so fast :) but last night he also crawled about 4 steps and hes still trying. Before to long hell conquer that to!
Grandma took us to go see horses yesterday to! Here she is petting one...Axton liked them at first then they put there head over the fence and he was not having that. Well tyr again in a few days.


Emily Suzanne said...

How cute! He's getting so big! I remember the first time Z got close to a horse, it freaked him out too, although horses are some of his favorite animals!
I"m starting to work on your header... we'll see what I come up with!
Do you think you could email me the picture(s) you want in it?

Janet said...

What a handsome liitle guy! He is getting so big. I loved watching him try to call this afternoon. It won't be long before he is zipping across the floor and you won't be able to keep up with him!
I love you. Aunt J