Axton can now DROOL(excessively), I don't know what its called but when you stick out your tongue and blow and it makes that vibratey noise....well he can do that to, he can LICK everything...but mostly me, and he can SCREAM...he recently discovered his voice :)
So he is getting to that stage that all babies hit when they drool. Its really cute because it gets in his second chin :)
Then he can make that vibratey noise....he doesn't really know what to think about it yet. The feeling feels cool to him but the noise is different. Hes not sure whether to be scared or excited.
And the LICKING. This child wants to lick everything. Its so so funny. He licks me mostly when i hold him hell bend down and lick my arm. Or this morning i was burping him on my shoulder and he was licking my neck...i dunno...oh! and last night we were in the bath and he kept bending down trying to lick the the wash rag was the next victim since he couldn't reach the water.
Lastly his screaming...I wish i could put something recorded off my phone on here because it is the cutest thing! Mom listened to it last night and made me play it over and over :)