Shabby Miss Jenn

Friday, August 15, 2008

The Doctor

Today we went to the doctor for a follow up. When you go to a follow up at Dr. Youngs office you talk to the nurse practitioner instead of him...just thought i would through that it. Anyway...Axton now weighs 7.9 pounds!!!! She said that she was very pleased because they would like your child to gain one ounce everyday. Well we gained 17 ounces in 14 days! I am so proud of him :)You can really see a difference in him. He has neck rolls and fat around his elbows and knees..oh its so wonderful. Never would I think I would be HAPPY to wash in between fat rolls :) Back to the doctors visit. Everything is perfect on his little body but he does have a umbilical hernia. She said that they are common and it should disappear by the time he is a year old. Chris and I were very concerned about his little (well i should say little) LARGE outie! It sticks out so far then when he laughs or pushes its even worse. But as long as he doctor says hes fine Im fine. Axton is still suffering from thrush as well but they gave us another medicine to help fight it. Thankfully it doesnt seem to bother him anymore. Other than that the visit went well. We go back in 2 months for shots. SCARY!!!!

Enough about the doctor. Let me tell you Axton keeps amazing me everyday with his strength. He ROLLED OVER today for the first time!!! I had him playing on his back on his little activity mat and decided he needed some tummy time. So i flipped him on his belly. He just kicked his little legs then stopped for a second. I was talkin to him then all the sudden he lifted himself up on his side then kicked his little legs really hard and flipped right over!!! I put him back on his belly and he tried again but couldnt quite get it...he will though! I was so shocked and upset that I dont have a camera built into my eyes :) I feel so bad because I get to see everything for the first time then have to call Chris and tell him what he missed. Its so hard but at least one of us witnessed it! I love them so much.

1 comment:

Emily Suzanne said...

Oh my goodness! He's so adorable, Emily!! I'm so happy you started this blog!
I'm going to email you soon, missy!!!