Shabby Miss Jenn

Friday, August 15, 2008


Today was filled with firsts for Axton. We were given a swing for him at one of my baby showers and he couldnt fit in it when we first brought him home from the hospital but we tried again today and he fit! So we put the swing on low and put on the pretty music and he loved it. He looks so small in the seat :)

Next mom and I took him out to a store for the first time. He got the privilege of shopping at Target :) He did so well he just slept in his little car seat almost the whole time....towards the end of our shopping experience he decided he was hungry and started to cry. But i convinced him his binki was food and he happily went back to sleep. I found the cutest (and very cheap i might add) binki holder while i was there. Axton used the Soothie binki while he was in the NICU and refuses to use any other. You have to buy a special binki clip to hold them on there shirts and i found the cutest one! The soothie is the eyes and smile and the body is a penguin...and then the clip for his shirt is an igloo!! oh i love it :)

He is such a wonderful baby. He couldnt have a better personality. Axton is always happy...unless hes hungry :) but that is only because i think he is finally being able to experience hunger pains. Normally its just one loud cry and thats it. Its like "oh mom im starving....HELP!!!" He is so continent sitting by himself as long as he can look around at things. You would think he would like to look at bright toys and blinking things but no- he loves to look at the wall and the ceiling! He could care less about the toys you bought him. The wall is just so fascinating to him. I think it is the contrast. Our walls are BRIGHT white and the doors and trim are DARK brown.

Tomorrow we go to the doctor again for another check up. Axton has gained so much weight. He is finally our little chunk :) I think he is close to 8 pounds but well see....

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