Shabby Miss Jenn

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

the good ole doctor

So today we went to our 6 month old check up.....everything went great! Axton is now 13.5 pounds (which i was shocked at! i figured with how hes been eating he would be 15 or 16) but he has also gained 2 and a quarter inches of height! so now he is 26 and a quarter long. The doctor said were gonna have a tall and thin baby.....go figure :) Anyways other than that he just got his shots. It was so sad...he was fine and they laid him down getting the shots ready, then when they held his legs down Axton tried to sit up like he remembered! Then I held his body down and started crying like he knew what was about to happen. I felt like I had betrayed him instead of protect him :( ok well thats a little dramatic but it was so sad. Axton can finally reach the ground in his jumper thing so here is a cute picture of him finally being able to enjoy his toys :)

1 comment:

Emily Suzanne said...

He's such a cute little guy! I love that little mouth!! :)
I hate when they get shots... I try to tell them that I'm not betraying them! I feel that way too!! so sad!