So were are having a blizzard here today in Amarillo. Isnt that wonderful....yuck. And then its spose to be like 65 on Sunday! Be prepared to catch a cold. Sorry my post was really short and to the point yesterday...its seems like Axton has kept me busier than ever lately! Hes getting where he wants to pull up on everything and were learning that that is not always safe :) But since we had to stay inside today I thought I would make Axton some play dough. I love his face! Its that look like, umm Im not sure what to do with this :) Its amazing to me how yesterday we were outside playing on the balcony and today I cant even open my door without snow falling in my house! Here are some more pictures from when Jack was here. We all went to Buns Over Texas to eat.
So I have lots of pictures and things to share from this last weekend. Axtons cousin Jack came into town and they had so much fun playing together! We spent most of the time in Grammies backyard. They had alot of fun playing with the John Deere. Sorry there so small, Im not sure how to get them bigger!
I love this one! Hes just relaxing on the tracker :)
Axton went to get his 9 month well check on Tuesday. He weighs 16.2 and 26 1/4 long! Hes getting so big!!!! Im so proud and happy that he is doing so well :) Here we are playing with beans and dry noodles. (Under heavy supervision trust me!) Thinking while sleeping :)
Who knew boxes could be so much fun?! So I payed $40 for a box instead of a toy :)
As you can see I got a new blog layout! My friendEmily designed it for me :) She did a wonderful job.
Axton has been crawling like a crazy man and pulling up on everything! Its so cute, but kinda breaking my heart :( Why do they have to grow up so fast? Here he is in his Sooners outfit that aunt Terri and uncle D got him for christmas. This outfit swallowed him up at christmas now it fits perfectly! One day Chris called me into the bedroom and this little NINJA baby greeted me:) Its kinda fuzzy but I think he looks pretty cute. Yesterday I bought Axton this little walker. He has one that he can jump in but didnt like to just sit there while I cleaned up around the house, so this was the solution! He loves it :) Since yesterday was so beautiful I thought we should take it outside for a spin. Its kinda tough on carpet but hell get the hang of it. Im going to have to get use to scuffed heels though. He follows me in the kitchen and will come up behind me and my heels so nicely stop him :)
Look at those teeth!!! Axton's cousin Jack is in town this weekend and were so excited to see him! We havent got to see him since Christmas.
Yesterday mom and I took Axton to medi park to look at the ducks! There were tons of them...I was so surprised. But anyways we took bread and feed them the whole shabang. Well this little lady right here didnt even run from us! She stood right at our feet and ate the bread. There was this older couple that were feeding the ducks right next to us and she told us that they come out here everyday and that they thing she lost her partner! How sad, but I think she is liable to find another.... Look at how many there are!!!!! I was a little scared because a goose tried to attack grandma, mom, and myself when I was little (no big deal!) but I didnt want Axton to be scared. He loved it though!!!! He just talked to them and watched them attack the bread.
These two big ones in the front hissed at us when we ran out of bread! It was so funny...its like get away if you dont have anything left lady :) Oh and two white geese walk up the hill to the road! Mom and I were like no no get away!!! But they just went up there then stopped at the road, like they just wanted to see the cars drive by. Today we ate chicken salad for lunch and had cherry cheesecake for dessert. Axton was sitting next to me petting my dog Penny and I was giving him a bite every now and then....then all of the sudden WHAM Axton puts his whole hand in my cheese cake!!!He squished it all in his hand, tried to put it in his mouth, and grabbed Pennys nose! It was so funny.....he is really quick! I need to be on my toes more :) (sorry about the blurry the heat of the moment thats all I could get)
Yesterday we went to go eat with (are you ready) Chris moms husbands parents and their family yesterday at the plaza for Loretta's birthday. Phew....hope that wasn't to confusing anyways it was so much fun the whole family was there and Axton ate so much! He tried everything....rice, beans, enchiladas, fajitas, and lemons. He loved the lemons but made sour faces at first :)They came in to sing happy birthday to Loretta and made her wear a huge sombrero! It was so much fun! Axton had to try that hat on was super heavy so we didn't get that good of a picture but he's still so cute!